Dr Sunil Joshi B.A.M.S MD (Ayu)
Government Ayurveda collage, Nagpur Maharashtra, India

Dr. Sunil Joshi has been practicing Ayurveda since 1983. He received his BAMS from Government Ayurveda College, Nagpur in 1983 and obtained his MD Ayurveda (Charaka Samhita) in 1988 from Shree Ayurveda College, Nagpur. Dr. Joshi established his own clinic in Nagpur in 1986 (Vinayak Panchakarma Chikitsalaya)
Dr. Joshi began traveling to North America in 1990 to help promote Ayurveda in the West. When he first came to the U.S., he was impressed with the desire of people living outside of India to learn more about Ayurveda. He realized that in order for Ayurveda to become established in the West, it would be necessary for Westerners to become Ayurvedic practitioners to help assist the general public in developing their own wellness plans.

Dr. Shalmali Joshi B.A.M.S
Shree Ayurveda College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Shalmali Joshi has been practicing Ayurveda and Panchakarma since 1984. She received her BAMS from Shree Ayurveda College, Nagpur. She specializes in both children’s and women’s health issues using Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle modification, and panchakarma.
Joshi has been travelling extensively to United States since 1995 and has been practicing Ayurveda in Nagpur, Albuquerque, Boston and Zurich. She has helped treat PCOS/PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease and symptoms), fertility issues, irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea ( painfully cramps during menses), peri-menopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal issues.
Dr Shalmali Joshi has lectured on women's health issues in Wittenberg University, Ohio, and Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Boston.
She has been a clinical advisory and faculty member of Dr.Deepak Chopra Wellness Center in San Diego, USA and has taught a series of workshops on menopause at the National College of Naturopathic in Portland, Oregan, USA.
At Columbia University in New York, USA, she taught seminar on Woman's Health, Diet and Nutrition.​

Gerhardt Horstman
Director of Ayurveda and Panchakarma Vinayak Ayurveda - Albuquerque - USA
Gerhardt left his career as a wildlife biologist to study Ayurveda in 1991 with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM. After completing the introductory program he remained in an intern position until 1994, when he started an educational company – Ayurvedic Foundations – to teach the principles of Ayurveda.
In the fall of 1994 he spent 3 months in India undergoing a clinical training program with Dr. Sunil Joshi, and in 1995, Dr. Joshi and Gerhardt started the Vinayak Ayurveda Center in Albuquerque, NM devoted to traditional Ayurvedic clinical practice.
For the last 25 years Gerhardt has continued to spend time in India each year and travels extensively with Dr. Joshi offering educational seminars and consultations throughout North America, Europe and India. He also oversees the operation of Vinayak Ayurveda in Albuquerque and manages the Panchakarma program there as well.
Currently, Gerhardt is branching out and has been traveling throughout the U.S. offering educational seminars, consultations, Ayurvedic cooking classes and traditional Ayurvedic treatments and therapies.
Mukul joshi
Director of Ayurveda and panchakarma
Nagpur - India
Mukul has been working and studying Ayurveda since 1987. Since then he has been assisting the establishment of advanced Panchakarma programs with Dr. Sunil Joshi. Mukul has been traveling with Dr. Joshi to Portland, Cincinnati, NYC, Boston, Houston, Oakland, Atlanta and Salt Lake city as his right hand in all things pertaining to Panchakarma and Ayurveda in general.
He is the chief administrator of Ayurveda and Panchakarma for the Vinayak Ayurveda Panchakarma center in Nagpur, India and he supervises the Panchakarma program when Dr. Joshi is in New Mexico. With 32 years of experience he offers outstanding knowledge of traditional Ayurveda therapies. He is also a part of the Practitioner training program and shares his expertise with the students who come for the program in India.
Nikki Hoffman
Office Director
Vinayak Ayurveda - Albuquerque - USA
Nikki has been part of Vinayak Ayurveda for the past 10 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and a Masters of Science in occupational therapy. She loves Ayurveda and to support Dr. Joshi's in their mission. She enjoys helping the clients in living their Ayurvedic lifestyle. Nikki strives to have an efficient and kind costumer service and work environment.